
Google Ads formerly known as AdWords

Need to improve your Google Ads?

Online Advertising Services

At Matter Solutions, we specialise in Search Marketing, which means (1) Ranking in Google with SEO and (2) Running Ads in Google, at the top and the bottom to bring highly qualified potential customers to the websites of our clients.

We provide a proactive and highly regarded Google Ads Management Service in Brisbane, Australia with clients all over the world, really. We have clients running campaigns in the USA, the UK and beyond.


AdWords Tips & Articles


Book a call back from a Google Ads Specialist based in Brisbane. Learn what action we'd take if we were in your shoes.

Articles about Google Ads formerly known as AdWords

February 24, 2016
Right Side Down - The Full Rundown on What Google AdWords Changes Really Mean

Guess what everybody, Google has had a shake up! It’s always exciting when the world’s biggest search engine makes a significant change. Whether it be to its algorithms, its layout, or even […]

November 12, 2015
Customer Match - Google Vs Facebook

For a long time now, Facebook has allowed advertisers to use a tool called Custom Audiences, which allowed them to advertise directly to customers they already had contact with on their […]

May 15, 2014
Speaker: CPA Australia - Brisbane Southside

Local Speaking Gig at CPA Australia - Thanks! I was the speaker at yesterday's CPA Australia discussion forum for Brisbane's Southside members. As mentioned here are my slides... and don't forget […]

August 21, 2012
PPC Ad Optimisation

Optimisation is not a simple end game solution, it is a process which needs to be iterated over time. Testing is not only about how you achieve a result but also […]

August 7, 2012
Working On Strengths: Facebook Advertising & Google AdWords

A smart advertising campaign includes both Facebook advertising and Google AdWords. Facebook: An interesting post was published recently about the positive effect that Facebook ads have beyond clicks. It suggests that […]

June 6, 2012
AdWords - Structuring a Campaign

Deciding how to structure a client’s account into campaigns means that you need to understand what settings can be changed at each level. Campaign level: Set the budget and set the […]