November 28, 2016

Writing For Your Business Website; How To Save A Ton Of Cash & Write Awesome Content

Published: 28 November 2016 

blogging typing WordPress macbook laptop computer technology business marketing working creative writing office desk hands internet

When you’re in a business that is producing content, you’re going to want to be spending the smallest amount possible. You could always save money, time and effort by hiring an external content writer. But sometimes, hiring a copywriter or doing the writing yourself is the best option. This can lead to problems of not having enough time to produce high quality content on a frequent basis. In this instance, you’re going to want to ensure your content leads to conversions.

Here are some ways you can save money on your blog:

  • Set a budget: it seems like a simple idea, but every month, six months, or year, plan how much you’re going to put aside for blogging. Maybe that’s 10% of your earnings. Maybe it’s less. At least you’ll know how much money you can dedicate to your content.
  • Don’t pay for photos: photos are an important factor for blog posts. After all, no one wants to read a big wall of text. They will just get bored and exit your website. To keep your viewers interested, include photos. Unless you’re also a photographer, you’re going to need to find photos online. It’s tempting to pay for the best stock photos, but why waste your money when there are plenty of free options. Some stock photo websites to check out include Pexels, Morguefile, Pixabay or Flickr Creative Commons - check that you can use them on your commercial website though!
  • Don’t pay for scheduled posts or Facebook Ads: there are tools out there that will help you schedule your blog posts, and will definitely be helpful for big businesses. If you’re wanting to save money, it’s very easy to schedule posts manually. If you have a backlog of blog posts, you can use Excel to plan when each post will go live on your website. Facebook allows you to schedule posts, and you don’t need any advanced technical knowledge. Simply write your post as per normal, select the button next to publish, select schedule and then click the date and time you want the post to be published. This means you won’t forget to put your blog on your Facebook account at the peak time. You can also schedule your posts on Twitter through
  • Use free photo editing software: some businesses just won't be able to justify the cost of signing up to Adobe’s Creative Cloud. And generally you need something that’s a bit better than Microsoft Paint. Some free tools worth checking out include GIMP (that stands for GNU Image Manipulation Program),, Photoscape and Google Nik Collection - or a low cost option like Canva.

So now you know a few tips to help save you money when you’re writing for your business. But that means nothing if your content isn’t any good and isn’t leading to conversions. Here’s the type of content you’ll need to produce to ensure you have conversions:

Original Content

Your SEO ranking will dramatically improve if you’re producing authentic content. If you’re simply using content from other sources or using autogenerated content, you’ll end up penalised by Google. So the best option is to continually produce original content. This means making your content different from not only your competition, but from your own past content. There’s no point in rehashing the same topic over and over again. Nobody will link to it and it won’t convert, which means you’ve just wasted your time writing it.

With that in mind, if your old content is still relevant and has something new that can be added to it, repost it. When looking at traffic to your blog posts, your older posts can be more popular than your new content. This is because it will have a stronger ranking on Google than your new post, due to views and social shares. However, if this content isn’t updated, you’ll see this ranking fall. Recycle your old posts by adding something new and relevant to the post.


Content that solves a problem

If people have a problem they need help with, they’re going to turn to a search engine. So it makes sense to produce a piece of content that will help solve that problem. This means you’ll gain hits by turning your website into a resource. While you shouldn’t make all your content a problem solving piece, it is an easy way to increase attention.

Accurate sources

You need to backlink to improve your SEO, as well as to help verify where you sourced particular information from. It’s important that you can clarify this information is accurate. When you’re writing for a business, you don’t want to be producing false and misleading information. Before you include that link in your blog, consider whether they are a trusted source. This will earn you trust from not only your viewers but also search engines. Consider linking to more than one source. Chances are higher that the information is accurate if it can be linked to more than one source. The extra links will also improve your level of trust further.

Make frequent updates

Once you commit to running a blog for your business, you need to decide on how frequently you will be able to update it. You won’t get many conversions if you only write a few posts and then abandon the blog. You’ll be able to build a larger community if you update your blog at the same frequency, whether that’s once a week or several times a week. Search engines will also favour blogs that are regularly updated. Kissmetrics found the number of unique views directly correlates with the number of posts per day.

These tips will help you to save money on your blog, while also producing quality content that will lead to conversions. Not only will you be saving money, you’ll also be making it.

Ben Maden

Read more posts by Ben

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