October 15, 2013

What’s in a boutique brand Part 1.

Published: 15 October 2013 

It’s 2013 and the Globotrons are dead. Giantcorp is feeling the squeeze of boutique operators offering similar services on a personal level and the general public have more purchasing power than ever. The attitude and arrogance of the faceless corporations is a mere memory and you’re thinking strongly about commercialising your hobby in an attempt to cut in on the boutique revolution.

Unveil the contemporary cult of personal brands. The accuracy of data logging via social media channels and your trusted online hangouts along with the indexing of every digital move you make means you’ve actually already embarked on this self-explorative mission. This consideration represents the strongest synergy between you and your brand, which means your representation, needs to be on point. In other words don’t start a personal brand if you intend on impersonating someone else. Somewhere along the line the synergy will be lost and the all important trust and good will your business relies upon will be irreparably severed.

All this considered, what will you call yourself? Surely your new baby business needs a catchy name to compete with the flood of hipsters who command online real estate like nobody's business. Heck, if the name’s catchy enough you might even get some free press just for registering the business. The pressure is on. It has to be memorable, unique and set you apart from the crowd of online businesses offering similar products and services. You want to strike a perfect balance between what you can genuinely offer versus what “they” (your commercial interests / potential customers) are looking for. Ideally you’re looking to combine a description of your product or service and a quirky element of yourself or your story.

What about the URL availability? If you’re going to be spending time building your brand online you’re going to want a TLD (top level domain) .com, or .net etc which accurately represents your brand. The length of your domain is worth considering when memorability and ease of interaction is concerned. A lengthy domain likely means lengthy email addresses, which will not only cause you heartache in the multitude of times you will have to verbally recount it but also increase the chance of error as your potential customers copy it down or enter it into their email client.

OMG the stress of it all! The hobby business is copping some serious heat already and it hasn’t even got a name! So, before you get too carried away, let’s go back to where it all begins, with YOU. Branding isn’t just a quirky acronym tapped out in a modern font, it refers to the whole look and feel of your entity, essentially it’s a capture of all the properties which make you unique. It’s fundamentally you.

So, here begins the branding builder which will ensure you develop a kicker presence which depicts your trademark USP (unique selling proposition) so accurately that every man, dog, cat and butterfly will want to soar high into the business success clouds with you.

Where’s the emotion??? Three questions marks may seem excessive, but this is super important and the answer can actually be retrieved through three questions; How do you describe yourself? How do your friends describe you? How did your favourite boss introduce you to potential clients?

Up next week in part 2: what furniture do I love (trust me it’s important) and how does that translate to what I’m going to offer?

Ben Maden

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