
Digital Marketing

Need to put a comprehensive campaign together? We can help.
On this Digital Marketing page there are four things for you to consider... which one is right for you depends on what you need. You decide.

1. Digital Marketing Strategy (overarching)

Do you need, or do you want to understand how an over-arching strategy puts together all of the components services that make up a businesses Digital Marketing assets and campaigns? If so, go and look at our (very long) Digital Marketing Strategy page, it even includes a Digital Marketing Strategy Template you can save from Google Docs and use in your own business (with or without our help).

2. Digital Marketing - Essential-Services

We refer to the "core services" at the heart of Digital Marketing as essential because without them you're not really harnessing the value of Digital, i.e. search data from Google themselves and other tools.

These essential Services include


3. Digital Marketing - Associated-Services

These services work hand-in-hand with successful Digital Marketing campaigns but on without the essential services wouldn't be very "digital", in our view.

These associated Services include

4. Free help & guidance

The Digital Marketing Strategy page is almost certainly the best place to start for some free DIY help, the Digital Marketing Strategy Template is very practical, but you can jump into any of the following


Not quite free (the low fee goes to a great charity) but you should drop us a line about coming to a Digital Marketing Workshop, at these people learn how everything fits together in Digital Marketing.

You want to hire professional help? Lets Talk!

We have lots of useful information on this website for people who want to run their own Digital Marketing. We also know that business people are often way too busy to implement this stuff for themselves. 

If you are too busy that is okay with us. Drop us a line and (of course) we'd love to manage your Digital Marketing for you. 

Use the green button and one of the team will get in touch very quickly.

Start with a FREE Strategy Call with a Digital Marketing Strategist. Learn what action we'd take if we were in your shoes.

Articles about Digital Marketing

March 13, 2018
What are YouTube SEO Ranking Factors You Need to Know

You may find this hard to believe, but YouTube is the second biggest search engine right behind Google, and we all know that is saying something important. Every minute, there are […]

March 6, 2018
SEO Mistakes That Could Result in a Google Penalty

The goal of SEO is to raise a website’s profile and prominence in search engine results. To do this, businesses need to understand how search engines work and how they rank […]

February 27, 2018
5 Unique Ways to Increase Your Brand Awareness in 2024

Brand awareness is increasingly important for your business and especially so for your Search Results in Google. First, it generates a positive impression with people that your brand is popular even […]

February 26, 2018
Advantages of Multichannel Marketing

Nowadays, online consumers have more options than ever. They can interact with various businesses wherever they choose, and they can also gain as much information as they need before they make […]

February 13, 2018
How to Lay the Foundation for SEO When Starting Your Business

Search Engine Optimisation is best achieved when built into a website and digital marketing strategy from the start. This avoids the hit and miss of creating content and then tweaking, adjusting […]

February 9, 2018
Why Instagram Stories Should be Part of Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

Instagram stories have only just celebrated their first birthday and what a year it’s been for the service! Instagram stories have proven to be incredibly popular among users of the social […]