
Tag: Mobilegeddon

April 28, 2017
5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Use Sliders On Your Website

Sometimes people are very persistent on what features they want added to their website. One of the most commonly requested features are sliders, otherwise known as carousels.   It’s easy to […]

April 21, 2017
What Causes A Google Penalty and How To Recover

If there’s one thing you don’t want to hear in the SEO world, it’s that you’ve been hit with a Google penalty. So what exactly is a Google Penalty? Google works […]

April 18, 2017
How to improve your blog's SEO

Search engine optimisation is important for marketers. However, it also shouldn’t be an overlooked aspect of your blog.   Fortunately, most SEO updates needed for your blog are relatively simple, and […]

March 24, 2017
6 Bad SEO Habits You Need to Break

When you’ve got a website for your business, it’s important to ensure you keep up with and implement the latest SEO trends. Google is constantly changing its algorithm, so it’s important […]

March 13, 2017
How to improve your mobile website

The use of mobile devices is increasingly growing. In fact, in 2016 mobile usage overtook desktop for the first time ever. With that in mind, it’s important for businesses to ensure […]

March 10, 2017
SEO Mistakes That Will Penalise Your Website

When you’re optimising your website, it can often be easy to make mistakes. However, those mistakes can have a dramatic impact on your website. It could cause a drop in traffic […]

March 16, 2016
SEO Trends To Take Note Of In 2016

2015 marked an exciting and innovative year for all things SEO. Most prominently we saw the update that’s come to be known as “Mobilegeddon”. Google made drastic changes to ensure that […]

September 9, 2015
Mobile UX: How to Design and Build For the Best Results

After Google launched “Mobilegeddon” or "Mobile-topia" (depending on your perspective) on the 21st of April this year, with their new mobile-friendly ranking algorithm, its now more important than ever to have […]
