
Turning off Google Search Partners

Difficulty: Beginner

One of the simplest tips for optimising your Google Ads campaign is to turn off Google Search Partners.

What is Google Search Partners?

Before you decide to turn off Google Search Partners, it's crucial to understand what Google Partner Setup entails.

Google Search Partners are websites within the Search Network that partner with Google to display ads. These partners extend your ad reach to other Google properties like YouTube, Google Maps, and more. This means your ads gain additional exposure beyond just Google Search, at, and country versions like

When creating a campaign in the search network, search partners are included by default.

It's up to you to decide if you want to turn off search partners in Google Ads.

Why Should You Turn Off Google Search Partners?

There are several good reasons to consider turning off Google Search Partners:

  1. Lack of Transparency: Google does not provide a list of its Search Partners, making it difficult to know where your ads are appearing.
  2. Limited Data: Google does not show the origin of clicks in your account's historical data, limiting your insight.
  3. Control Issues: You have less control over the look and feel of your ads on Google’s Search Partners.
  4. Uniform Bidding: You cannot adjust bids individually for these partners; keyword and product group bids must match those of the main campaign.
  5. No Exclusions: You cannot exclude specific search partners.

Check Performance Before Disabling Google Search Partners

Before you decide to turn off Google Search Partners, review your campaign performance:

1. Segment Data

In Google Ads, view all campaigns and select Campaigns > Segment > Network (with search partners).

Google Search Partners - Check Performance

2. Compare Statistics

Look at metrics such as clicks, click-through rate, average cost per click, cost, total conversion value, and click conversion rate for campaigns using Google Search Partners. Compare these to your Google search traffic to assess performance. If your figures are significantly lower or costs are higher with minimal results, it may be beneficial to opt out.

How to Turn Off Google Search Partners

Google has made it straightforward to turn off search partners in Google Ads.

The steps are as follows:

  1. Navigate to Campaigns: Click on the Campaigns tab at the top of the page.
  2. Select Your Campaign: Click on the campaign you want to modify.
  3. Access Settings: Click Settings.
  4. Edit Networks: Where it says Networks, click Edit.
  5. Uncheck Search Partners: Uncheck the box that says "Include Google search partners."
  6. Remember to click SAVE (bottom right hand corner)!

Google Search Partners Turning Off

It is common for people to see positive increases in their campaign metrics once Search Partners is turned off.

This is due to your budget purely being spent on a better performing platform that you have more information and control over.

While we do recommend experimenting with Search Partners, this should only be undertaken once your campaigns are maxing out their search impression share and your potential keyword options have been exhausted.

Benefits of Turning Off Google Search Partners

Many advertisers notice positive improvements in their campaign metrics after disabling Google Search Partners.

This is because your budget is focused on better-performing platforms where you have more control and data. While experimenting with Search Partners can be useful, it should be done only after you’ve maximised your search impression share and exhausted potential keyword options.

By understanding what Google Partner Setup is and how to manage it, you can make informed decisions about whether to include or exclude Google Search Partners from your advertising strategy.

Need help?

If you need help with your Google Ads our team based in Brisbane, Australia look after clients all over Australia, in the UK and the US. Use this button to book a call back from one of our Google Ads Specialists to learn more about a professional service.


What are Google Partner Websites?

These are third-party websites that partner with Google to display your ads. They get paid via the AdSense & DoubleClick platforms for letting Google show ads on their pages.

Is Google Search Partners Worth It?

It depends on your campaign performance metrics. If costs are high and conversions are low, it might not be worth it.

How to Turn Off Google Partner Websites?

Follow the steps outlined above to turn off search partners in Google Ads.

