
SEO Basics - Connect Your WordPress Website to Google Search Console

Difficulty: Beginner

We made a short (3 minute) video explaining how to connect your website to Google Search Console.

This video specifically focuses on WordPress websites, that use the Yoast SEO plugin

Summary of Video connecting WordPress Website to Google Search Console

The Tutorial/Demonstration meeting focused on connecting Google Search Console to a new WordPress website using the Yoast plugin.

The session provides a step-by-step demonstration, starting with checking the Yoast settings for existing integrations, followed by accessing Google Search Console to add the www version of the domain with HTTPS.

Ben shows how to copy and paste the verification tag into the WordPress site and successfully verify ownership in Google Search Console, with a confirmation of data availability.

Key action items included connecting Google Search Console to the website, adding the verification code via the Yoast plugin, and completing the ownership verification process.

Connecting Google Search Console to WordPress (02:26)

  • Ben from Matter Solutions demonstrating how to connect Google Search Console to a new website
  • WordPress site with Yoast plugin installed
  • Checked Yoast settings for existing integration
  • Accessed Google Search Console
  • Added www version of the domain with HTTPS
  • Copied and pasted verification tag into WordPress
  • Verified ownership in Google Search Console
  • Confirmed data availability in Google Search Console


Hi there, it's Ben at Matter Solutions. I'm just going to do a quick connect of Google search console to a new website. So first and foremost we've got a WordPress site over here on the left. I'm logged in, I'm an admin. They have the Yoast SEO plugin installed. I'm going to click here and have a look at the settings just to check it's not already integrated. This is the easiest way to do this by far. So you can just search for Google site connections. Google. There it is. Add verification code. So here we are on the right hand side Google search console. And what we're going to do is we're going to copy the domain name.

We're just going to add the www version which is the one that's live and has been live and it's HTTPs. Continue.

Now it's going to try based on what settings I've already got and what it knows about me, it's going to fail because yeah, I don't have any Google Analytics or Google tag manager with this website in mind. But here I could upload a file. Well I don't have a file manager but I could add attack. So here we go. Let's copy this tag. Put that in there. If I paste it strips it save changes, we might want to check the front end so that's saved and then I can view the source just to do a search. So 06:00 p.m. PI. There it is. It's in the code right there. So that's cool. So now we can press verify on that one. There we go. Ownership verified. Job done. So now we've got a little tiny bit of traffic.

Is there any performance data? Yep, there is some data already. Sometimes it can say wait 48 hours and that's just because nobody's ever been connected before. It looks like this guy already has it connected. So this is a confirmation that Google can share private information with you about your website and that's why they go through this process and it's definitely worth doing. So there we go.

