February 25, 2014

25 Questions you HAVE to ask your web designer: Number 6

Published: 25 February 2014 

Are you and your web designer meant to be?

Our '25 Questions' series is designed to help you start a successful web project from the get-go. If you missed the first five you can catch up by reading our first instalment of '25 Questions you HAVE to ask your web designer' here. If you just want to get stuck into question 6 then read on!

6. Will you analyse my current website before you start designing?


Lauren says:

Absolutely. The best decisions are informed ones, and when we’re building a website to engage your audience, the best place to start is with how they are currently interacting with your website. Where are the successes and failures in the current design?

We can look into which pages are most important and interesting to your visitors, and make sure when we design the websites architecture, these are the pages most easily accessed.

We can also use heat mapping tools like Crazy Egg to monitor which elements of a page your customers are most interested in - where they are clicking? Where do they expect to find the information they want? And which sections of content are being totally ignored or overlooked?

Combining real data about YOUR visitors’ user experience and expectations, with the proven design skills of our graphic and web team means your website will not only look good, it will work hard.

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Ben Maden

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