
Camps Australia Wide

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Camping and caravaning guides for Australia.



Camps Australia Wide has a successful history providing their camping and caravaning guides in traditional, print form. This exciting custom business website project was a complete re-development of an existing site using WordPress, implementation of an inbound marketing campaign and SEO.The beauty of a project like this is that our Inbound, SEO and Web specialists can work together to create the most complimentary combination of website and campaign.


We create innovative and good-looking websites that generate more leads, sales and results for our clients.


For the eCommerce functions of this site we chose WooCommerce. This system is very user friendly for both the administrator and end user. With such a simple checkout functionality, users very rarely drop out before payment.


Our SEO strategists completed keyword research which was used to guide the content on the product pages. Our copywriter combined this research with well-written content designed to engage and convert visitors.


The first step in this project was to review the Google Analytics statistics of the site to ensure we understood the flow of visitors, which pages were relevant / non-relevant, and the behaviour of visitors on all devices. This is very important in determining the structure of the site to maximise usability.

The structure & design of the site was based on the above analysis. It was important to feature the most popular products and give the user access to the most important information in the main menu. We reduced the choices for the user in order to create an easy & user friendly shopping experience.

As the client has a great following on Facebook, it was important to seamlessly integrate the website & Facebook. With a simple setup, any new blog posts from the site automatically get posted onto their Facebook page for their followers to enjoy. Other social media functions were also added to allow posts & products to be shared on a variety of social media.


As you can see from the following before and after images, we’ve created a very clean, fresh & visually appealing site which has seen an increase in sales & user feedback.

Since going live with the new website, the bounce rate has improved massively. You can clearly see the affect on user experience and the new website is sustaining these incredibly low figures.

*more than half of the visitors to the old website ‘bounced’ out without visiting a second page. Now less than 1.5% of visitors don’t make it past their first page.

The site is also running an Inbound Marketing Campaign which has been fantastic in generating more traffic & sales for the site. View more details on their inbound campaign below.





When Camps Australia Wide came to us, they were ready for a new, dynamic and responsive website, and a marketing plan to match. The main goals for their new website was to create a mobile and multi-device friendly website with an improved conversion rate and eCommerce functionality.


When Camps Australia Wide came to us, they were ready for a new, dynamic and responsive website, and a marketing plan to match. The main goals for their new website was to create a mobile and multi-device friendly website with an improved conversion rate and eCommerce functionality.


The first step in this project was to review the Google Analytics statistics of the site to ensure we understood the flow of visitors, which pages were relevant / non-relevant, and the behaviour of visitors on all devices. This is very important in determining the structure of the site to maximise usability.

The structure & design of the site was based on the above analysis. It was important to feature the most popular products and give the user access to the most important information in the main menu. We reduced the choices for the user in order to create an easy & user friendly shopping experience.

As the client has a great following on Facebook, it was important to seamlessly integrate the website & Facebook. With a simple setup, any new blog posts from the site automatically get posted onto their Facebook page for their followers to enjoy. Other social media functions were also added to allow posts & products to be shared on a variety of social media.


As you can see from the following before and after images, we’ve created a very clean, fresh & visually appealing site which has seen an increase in sales & user feedback.

Since going live with the new website, the bounce rate has improved massively. You can clearly see the affect on user experience and the new website is sustaining these incredibly low figures.

*more than half of the visitors to the old website ‘bounced’ out without visiting a second page. Now les




We provide Search Engine Optimisation strategies tailored to your business to maximise results and increase website traffic.


Increase high quality traffic to the Camps Australia Wide website that is relevant and well-matched to their products.


We saw an opportunity to bring invaluable and relevant traffic by creating resource pages that target specific keywords. We conducted research and pin-pointed high-traffic keywords that were a good match for the client’s products. Our copywriters then created pages targeting these keywords.

  • 98.5%

    of visitors make it past their first page

  • 2,000

    visitors from Google per month from a single page

The Results

Over 3-4 months, the pages we created started ranking in top positions for the keywords they were targeting. One page alone is consistently bringing in 2,000 visitors from Google per month and within 6 months of creation these pages have brought in over 30,000 visitors via Google. Camps Australia Wide is currently receiving 50% of its organic traffic through the new pages alone.

Do you need help like Camps Australia Wide?

It took just a one phone call to work out how to help, and a follow-up meeting for us to present recommendations and get busy. 

Ben Maden

Read more posts by Ben Maden