
Ontex Healthcare


2020-2024 Ontex Digital Marketing for Australia

Our work since 2020 has been a comprehensive mix of

2023 Merged WP Websites

Reversed direction on the 3x websites helping to merge them back into the primary domain name

2020 Build 3x WordPress websites

Use Global Corporate Brand Guidelines to create three new WordPress websites for Ontex in Australia.

The Brand Guidelines were very detailed and had many specific requirements but there was a great deal of flexibility and options. We helped the stakeholders of this new Australian website understand their options and give recommendations so they could make of best of these brand guidelines for the Australian operation.

2015 Built Custom WP Website

In 2015 the Brisbane-based Marketing team asked us to bring multiple brands with partially broken websites into a single new website on

We devised a sub-brand design set-up for the WordPress theme meaning that each major section of the site could continue to be represented as its brand, the 2020 version of the website carries an evolution of the "Kylie" site to this say (written Q1 2024),

Aside: It is worth noting that "Kylie" is the brand healthcare professionals, e.g. Nurses, use to describe bed mats and associated products so it is a very well-known keyword.

Search Engine Optimisation

On Site Optimisation

We've improved the content in the content significantly with emphasis on User Experience, and working methodically to understand user-intent and meet it's needs, i.e. if someone is looking for a product, we don't expect a blog post to rank, we work to get the product and/or categories ranking.

Earning Links To Improve Domain Authority

We've created vast amounts of valuable content earning lots of rankings and clicks as a result. Not much of this traffic is transactional, i.e. they're not customers, but they do confer significant amounts of value through links and citations - as other webmasters use it as a reference.

SEO Results

Since we began in May 2021 we've seen huge growth in organic traffic. At the time of writing, Q2 2024, we see the following highlights...

All Time

  • SEO Traffic increased more than thirteen fold, 13x!
  • All Traffic (includes ads and other activities)
    • Visitors, up 6.5x
    • Sessions, up 6.0x


  • 2021 - 2022 increase 4.9x
  • 2022 - 2023 increase 2.2x
  • 2023 - 2024 almost 2x

Laravel Web Development

Legacy PHP System Support

One of our senior PHP developers had been supporting a custom web application for over three years. Original that had been developed by another Brisbane agency many years before. Initially, the challenge centred on getting control and a comprehensive understanding of the codebase. Central to this was bringing in good quality source control, a release process and wrangling issues into a sensible queue of things-to-do and things-not-to-do.

The client's IT specialists had full access to our git repository and project management system to work collaboratively and with full transparency.

The legacy system was single-tenant and had been copied multiple times to handle multiple partner organisations. The codebase was mostly the same, but not quite.

Replacement System Using Laravel

Knowing the existing system in considerable depth meant being able to identify issues and make recommendations. The IT team at Ontex recognised the need to replace the legacy custom system with something wasn't so unique and hard to work on.

The decision was made to make a replacement system that could be "multi-tenant", handling all the partner's instances, and their respective domain names and designs out of one single codebase. This was done to enable the addition of future partners and make maintenance, hosting and management significantly less difficult, and costly.

Laravel was chosen because

  1. It is a well-known flexible PHP framework used by Web Developers.
  2. Redundancy: If a developer or project manager (or agency) needed to be replaced, an alternate Laravel skilled team could take over and know how to get to grips with the project.
  3. Flexibility: Able to work in an MVCC framework to keep functionality separated from design so different specialist developers and designers could implement their parts to replicate the original system and later, improve upon it.
  4. Upgrade Path and Support. Originally the site was built in Laravel 7, and as Laravel has released new versions the core framework has been updated, and will continue to be.


Do you need help like Ontex Healthcare?

It took just a one phone call to work out how to help, and a follow-up meeting for us to present recommendations and get busy. 

Ben Maden

Read more posts by Ben Maden