
Samoa Police Service



Samoa Police Service needed a website that would incorporate their community based approach.

The Challenge

The design needed to display the professional, community focus of the Samoa Police Service. Having a large audience with varied needs, the design would need to remain clean and easy to read. One of the limitations placed, was that the website needed to load quickly on slower internet connections, so users that were out and about on the 4G network in Samoa could still access the information they needed.

We knew the website was going to contain a wealth of information for the community and we would need to organise the information architecture to ensure their users could find the information they were looking for. The administration side of the website had to be heavily considered as well, so adding new content and updating information would be a simple and quick process for the Samoa Police Service staff.

The Result

The Samoa Police Service requested a professional, clean style for the website design. We created a custom WordPress theme that incorporated their branding colours and spoke to the community aspect using photography from the Samoa Police Service archive. The Samoa Police Service are very active within the community, so there were a large number of great photos to choose from.

We chose to use the blue branding colour as the main colour within the website design to reinforce the police feel. The brown earthy tones we included as accent colours.two



The typeface we ended up choosing for use throughout the pages was Open Sans. This is a professional looking typeface that is very easy to read and also lightweight, which will help to keep the website loading quickly.


We addressed the large amount of information by separating the navigation into two sections. The main navigation is large and contains the main sections that users would be looking for. The remaining items were added to a grey bar at the top, so they are still visible, but don't detract from the main navigation. We also included a search bar and links to their social media.

A button containing the emergency phone number was also included in the header. This is useful as a reference for users, such as tourists who may not know the emergency number in Samoa.

To assist users in finding the most commonly requested information, we added some "Quick links" to the home page hero. These links are easily updated to reflect the changing needs of the users.

The website administration has been automated as much as possible throughout the different sections. When pages, news items, missing persons or wanted persons are added, they are automatically pulled through onto the home page and into other sections of the website. This means that the Samoa Police Service staff don't need to update several different pages with the information, it will automatically filter through for them.

Hosting & WordPress Security

Samoa Police Service chose to host their WordPress website on our WordPress security enterprise hosting platform. We use numerous layers of security and processing to keep the website up to date, secure and guarantee peace of mind.

Do you need help like Samoa Police Service?

It took just a one phone call to work out how to help, and a follow-up meeting for us to present recommendations and get busy. 

Ben Maden

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